Fr. Irenaeus Herscher, O.F.M.


St. Bonaventure University



Family Background

The Librarian

The Franciscan Life

Bible Week

Petroleum Oil, and Cuba, NY

Mount Irenaeus

Reflections of Those who Knew Him


Irenaeus Herscher Collection

Fr. Irenaeus is most well known for his tenure as head librarian of Friedsam Memorial Library at St. Bonaventure University. He enlightened all that inquired, and believed:

"that by being gracious to visitors and patrons, it provides an opportunity of showing appreciation for what has been provided, and gratefulness to those who have been generous to St. Bonaventure University."

Father Irenaeus Herscher left a legacy at St. Bonaventure University. The love he shared for his school and the Franciscan way of life was evident in all things he did. Anyone who knew Fr. Irenaeus, or knows of him, knows that his admiration for life and learning was unmistakable. He touched all those who knew him and will continue to influence the St. Bonaventure Community for years and years to come.

This site was created by James Irwin for History 419, Computer and Archival Skills for Historians, during the Fall 2003 semester.  Any changes, other than minor editing, are noted at the bottom of the affected page.

For more information about the Archives' collections contact:
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telephone: 716.375.2322
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Friedsam Memorial Library
St. Bonaventure University
St. Bonaventure, NY  14778  USA
(716) 375-2323 (general number)
(716) 375-2389  (fax)

Site brought up 1/16/2004
Herscher Collection page added by D. Frank, 1/16/2004

Last updated:  01/30/07

Home     Biography      Family Background      The Librarian    The Franciscan Life  

Bible Week      Oil, and Cuba, NY      Mt. Irenaeus    Reflections     References

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